How To Improve The Visibility Of Your Press Release

Press releases are one of the most efficient ways of improving your business’ online visibility.  They can help you get quality back links, keep your audience updated with the latest news about your business and increase traffic to your website. However, simply writing unique and informative press releases is not sufficient. You need to optimize them properly so that they achieve a high rank in Google and catch the attention of the target users.

Given below are some tips that can help to increase the visibility of your press release:

  • The topic should be newsworthy

The topic of the press release is an important factor that should be considered. Make sure the content provides a news to the audience or discusses a recent event/update that is relevant to your industry. Press releases that have a sales pitch are less likely to grab the users’ attention.

  • Focus on keyword optimization

Just like all other forms of online content, optimizing your press releases with the right keywords is essential to improve their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Choose keywords that your target audience is most likely to use when searching for your products/services. Include these phrases judiciously in your press release’s title and the opening paragraph. It will help the search engine bots and users to assess the relevance of the content.

  • Create quality content

When writing the content of the press release, make sure you keep it straightforward and informative. Keep your target audience in mind and create content that is most likely to keep them engaged. Do not stuff keywords as it may not only make the press release difficult to comprehend but also get it spammed by the search engine bots. Finally, adhere to the recommended word limit for the release, i.e. approximately between 300 and 500 words.

  • Include links

Hyperlinks and anchor text are also important elements of press release optimization. They help the search engines to associate the content with your website which, in turn, helps to increase its ranking. As online users have a relatively short attention span, it is recommended that you insert links in the first few paragraphs of the press release. Also, you should link to the specific landing pages instead of your website’s homepage for better user engagement.

Centex Technologies is a leading SEO consulting firm serving Atlanta, GA. For more information, you can call us at (404) 994 – 5074.



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