Myths About Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a technology that is increasingly being used by businesses to streamline their marketing efforts. It aims at marketing the product or services of a company on different channels such as social media, email, websites etc. using specially designed softwares. The whole idea is to automate repetitive tasks in order to save time and effort of the marketing personnel.

Albeit, marketing automation has changed the way businesses market their products or services around the world, but even now few companies are skeptical about automating their marketing processes. So it is important to debunk certain myths that businesses have about marketing automation. Here we have listed certain points –

• Myth 1 – It Is Expensive For Small Businesses
Some people consider marketing automation way too expensive. Initially only large business houses with widespread operations used this technology.  So it was often costly for small businesses to get customized marketing automation softwares. However, with the advancement of technology, affordable marketing automation softwares are available for small and mid-sized business organizations as well. Now, companies can get tailor-made softwares that suit their needs and budget.

Automation can help you save your time and effort, thus enabling you to leverage better returns by investing your time on more productive activities.

• Myth 2 – It Is Time Consuming & Difficult To Understand

This is another myth about marketing automation that needs to be busted. Initially every business finds it difficult to accommodate the shift towards marketing automation. They take their time to learn the new technology to further use it efficiently. However, the whole purpose of such software is to reduce the human effort and channelize their energies into activities which cannot be automated otherwise.

• Myth 3 – It Only Works For Email Marketing

Automation is generally associated with email marketing. Although, automating email marketing is the most widely used option, but is not the only one. Marketing automation can be integrated with other channels as well. From pay per click campaigns, social media marketing to third party platform integration; the analogy includes a plethora of marketing strategies and techniques apart from email marketing.

• Myth 4 – It Has No Benefit To The Sales Team

It is a common belief that needs to be confuted. Marketing automation supplements the existing sales strategy and optimizes the overall process.

• Myth 5 – It Will Replace Human Marketers

Marketing automation softwares aim at simplifying the task of marketing personnel. It is a tool designed to aid the marketers and not replace them. It is used so that marketers can avoid doing repetitive tasks and focus their energies on creative and functional aspects.

• Myth 6 – It Is No Meant For Us

Some companies might think that they do not need a software like this. However, it is certainly better to opt for marketing automation in order to efficiently utilize the talent of their marketing team.

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