YouTube Video Optimization Tips For Local Businesses

Video optimization has become an important part of local SEO. YouTube, being the second largest search engine after Google, generates a huge amount of traffic to websites and help them rank higher in search results. However, simply uploading a video on YouTube is not sufficient. Optimizing it with the right keywords is important to increase the video’s visibility in SERPs.

Listed below are some optimization tips to help local businesses reap maximum benefits from YouTube videos:

Use Keywords In The Title Of Video

Keywords are the essence of YouTube SEO and therefore, it is important to include them in the title. Use phrases that are catchy yet relevant to the content of your video. It should contain approximately 50 to 60 characters so that it can be properly displayed in Google search results. The title of the video should depict the keyword along with the location targeted by your business.

Write Unique Description

Though YouTube allows you to create video descriptions of up to 5000 characters, Google may not show up more than 150-160 in the search results. Hence, you must include all the relevant information, keywords and location in the beginning of the description. Make sure that the description is creative, informative and accurately describes the goal of the video.

Tag Your Video

Include a link to your website, blog or social media accounts in the video description. Adding a clickable URL allows you to increase organic traffic to your website. Also optimize the video with proper tags and categories so that the users are able to find it easily. Include your main keywords and geo-specific search terms to get the video in front of the targeted group of audience.

Share On Social Media

Once you have uploaded the video, share it on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram etc. Every single view, like or share received by the video serves as an inbound link and improves its visibility in search results. You can even embed the video into your website to increase its likelihood of ranking high for certain relevant keywords. Your website visitors may also be driven to subscribe to your channel on YouTube to view more such videos.

Centex Technologies is a leading company providing comprehensive local SEO services to the business firms across Atlanta, GA. For more information, you can call us at (404) 994 – 5074.



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